Aug - Sept 2022

Northern Ireland

My first international trip in quite a long time was to go back home to Northern Ireland. Spending time with family was what the trip was about but I also got to pursue my passion for photography and use the natural beauty I took so much for granted when I grew up as my palate. The weather was amazing with lots of sun and next to no wind that made the normally stormy waters of the North Antrim coast look so serene. And yes thats Scotland in the distance in some of the photographs.

In my opinion the scenic drive along the North Antrim Glens and Coast is one of the most spectacular in the world. I just hope that my photographs in someway captured some of its beauty and perhaps might inspire a visit. Unfortunately you might not get to experience my folks cooking like I was lucky enough to, but I would be happy to offer advice on places to visit. Sadly this trip home did not last long enough. I have been left with great memories and the most important ones are time with my family. I did get to see some friends and catch up on life but unfortunately I was not able to get to see as many old faces as I would like to have.

Till next time Northern Ireland!

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